Hey, everyone! Today, I'm going to walk you through making the perfect V60 brew. Here’s what you’ll need: a pouring kettle (with water heated to around 94-95°C), your favorite coffee, some digital scales, a V60 dripper, a cup, and of course, filter papers.
Step 1: Prepping Your Gear
First things first, we’ll be using a 50 grams per liter ratio, so for this brew, that’s 15 grams of coffee for 250 ml of water. Start by wetting the filter paper in the V60 to eliminate any papery taste and help it stick to the sides. Let that water drain through and then discard it.
Step 2: Measuring and Blooming
Next, add your 15 grams of coffee into the V60, and tear your digital scales. Start the timer and pour 45 ml of water—about three times the weight of the coffee. Give it a good swirl to ensure all the grounds get wet. This step is crucial to avoid channeling, where some grounds might stay dry and others get over-extracted. We're aiming for even saturation here.
Step 3: The Main Pour
At the 30-second mark, pour up to 180 ml of water. Give it another swirl, though a bit gentler this time, to maintain that even extraction.
Step 4: Final Pour
Once you hit the one-minute mark, it's time for the final pour. Pour up to 250 ml, then give it one last small swirl. The whole brew should take around two and a half minutes.
And that’s it—your perfect V60 brew is ready. Now just sit back, relax, and enjoy your coffee. Cheers!